Imagination Drawings – Grade 1

Room 3

One of our big ideas in first grade art, is that “Artists use observation, memory, and imagination to draw.”  In order to make this easier to understand, we’re breaking it down into separate units, with our first focus on Imagination.  As a class we discussed that imagination doesn’t have to mean fantasy, and we also discussed the variety of drawing materials, available.  First graders had to choose their material(s), and be able to talk about why their choose the material(s).  They shared these answers with a partner via a pair-share.  Check out some of the in-process photos from room 3, as well as some finished products.

Room 3
Room 3
I wish I could go to the beach over the summer. – Swara, Rm 3
“The Sparkles” – I wish I saw a shooting star over the summer. -Lindsay, Rm 3
“I Had A Dog And A Cat” – I wish I got a cat and dog over the summer. – Anushri, Rm 3
“Beach Day” – I wish I went to the beach over the summer. -Nikki, Rm 3
“Camping Time” – I wish I went camping over the summer. -Tanvi, Rm 3
“Summer Surfing Ride” – I wish I went surfboarding over the summer. -Aparna, Rm 5
“Summer Wish” – I wish I could pick flowers over the summer. -Arlene, Rm 5
“A Playdate” – I wish I had a playdate with Mash over the summer. -Sofia, Rm 5
“Summer Tree House” – I wish I had a tree house built over the summer. -Sam, Rm 5
“Summer Rides” – I wish I went on a hot air balloon ride over the summer. -Annabelle, Rm 5
“Roller coaster” – I wish I went on a roller coaster over the summer. -Natalie H., Rm 5
“Hot Air Balloon Ride” – I wish I went on a hot air balloon over the summer. -Pranav, Rm 5

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